Contact Us

We are excited to answer any questions you have and discuss how we can best meet your detailing needs. Our dedicated team is available 4 days a week online or on site. Contact us during business hours in any of the following ways:

Get In Touch

(815) 531-5001

Address: 16256 Heron St, Crest Hill, IL

Email: {{}}

Assistance Hours :

Mon – Wed 8:00am

Saturdays – 9:00pm


How do you price a car detail?

The detail is based on dirt level and the size of the vehicle. We offer a variety of packages to cater to all types of vehicles and different areas of interest. Book in a quote to find a package that best suits your needs.

Are all vehicles on inspected for quality?

Absolutely. We thoroughly inspect every vehicle according to our 5-step cleaning protocol before returning the vehicle. This gives you peace of mind in the service and your post-purchase . Our service center will have you thoroughly inspect the vehicle before the leaving for a satisfaction guarantee.

What times are quotes available?

Quotes are available seven days a week from 9:00am to 6:00pm. Our sales staff is available during this time to answer any questions and break down the pricing model for any service that interests you most.